because you're gold


That strange papery texture, waxed, painted, shimmery. Baggy cut, uncomfortable but very formal drop-crotch silhouette. It's just a pair of trousers, isn't it? So why do I hold my breath while parting with an nth sum of money, grabbing a sure hold of the Icon bag, like someone would want to steal it from me, the bag containing THE pair of trousers. Am I the only one who gets such a kick from buying a piece of clothing? Not just any piece of clothing, but those very few ones that make my mind a blur for a while. Jumping up to click-clack my heels, the tap-dancer style, panting like a racing hound, and making awkward squeaking noises as I precipitate down the road to the nearest metro station... If you see me with any of these symptoms, you know I just got something from Acne.


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