like a cat shadow

What have I to tell you today?
There isn’t much music-related stuff happening on this blog, so I thought I’d share. I’ve been tripping to These New Puritans ever since We Want War single came out. I do always look for some epic in the sound, and nothing really exciting since Circlesquare’s Dancers strikes me. Well, now I’ve got myself some amusement, and may be some want war, but I want that hat.

And the somewhat similar inspiration is the Agenda Suicide by The Faint. Don’t know why I come back to it today, but it makes me hop on my way home, mumbling the lyrics. On a Wednesday all means are good.

The Faint: Agenda Suicide

These New Puritans: We Want War

EDIT: This is what I discover after reading some CV's, and using my Google-maniac skills to the absolute maximum: have a browse through La Zone. I do love the references to the old stuff by Throbbing Gristle. Yes.


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