Number one, but not so important, it’s a sort of an alter ego of mine – one of the few…or should I say one of many. The other alter ego, as you might have guessed, has a website for a long while already, and it’s unmistakably i.e. my portfolio. Thus blackholebird becomes a sort of euphemism for my long unpronounceable name, and so is origami mon ami, yet the concept is different.
Number two, yet foremost, it’s my new-born fashion label. It still can’t walk, it still can’t talk, it’s still sitting in the comfort of the nest. But I am very delighted to announce that it shall see the light of day very-very soon. I am holding a private vintage sale in our dear capital city, and of course the label launch is scheduled for the same day. What day? This is still a secret to be revealed, so check back soon for the wild and exiting.

And now a little bit of history: this is how .origami mon ami came to life – out of a cut-out phrase that got taped to a page in my drawing book
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