A very longterm project of mine has almost come to a succeeding end. All that remains is to fix this awkward creation of mine to the electricity source which happens to hang from a peculiar water pipe appendix sticking out of my kitchen ceiling. Good luck on that one!

Anyhow, this is a very easy way to hang something more interesting than ‘lampochka Iljicha’ (‘Lenin’s bulb’ in a literal translation from Russian) above your head. I haven’t really made any tutorial for it, but all you need to do is:
· Peel an old lampshade to reveal the wire structure ( Kringloopwinkel, Spullenhulp, flea market - got to find the right one)
· Paint in a chosen colour (glossy enamel for metal from Levi’s used here)
· Wire a lamp socket and cord through your new naked lampshade (I’ve got mine at Habitat)
· Fix it to a hook on the ceiling and a source of electricity ( the last step I have to go through without getting electrocuted…so don’t forget to cut off the electricity before working)
By the way, the same can be done to a table lamp without the electricity trouble!

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