no S4lem


I’m not sure whether I should be disappointed about yesterday’s night when Salem has cancelled because of the snow storm in England. The band was stuck in the UK and my trip to Gent could have been a total waste of time…but me+friend always find something to do, so we went to a museum, had a snowball fight and drank sparkling wine. The evening was over before it begun all seemingly perfect.
I am now wondering what the hell am I supposed to do without the main interview for the forthcoming issue of Various Sources – S4lem kids have kindly agreed to chat with me for a while about all and nothing…I weep because it has never happened – it would have been a great experience and an interesting article. So here I am, in the painstaking search again.
Luckily my camera worked yesterday, it might be the cold, but cameras like to have a life of their own when in my hands – I never know what to do with them, just like with dogs…one way or another, I’ve been able to fill up the folder in My Documents that’s called ‘Similarities’. These pictures are great trophies of yesterday night repetitive objects galore.
I let you observe.


  1. There is a tumblr called "Things organized neatly", I thing you would enjoy.
