loafers' nightmare

Today’s uselessness did change quite a few things within me… some days ago I had a strange nightmare the scenario of which was somewhere in between sci-fi action movie and a precise description of nowadays. I was a witness of something violent and secret, so I’ve been followed and pursued and then finally trapped by people who offered me an obligatory fake contract with some music magazine from Cologne, but I would actually be trained to become a journalist who writes in a special manner that somewhat hypnotises people to take certain decisions. I’d be writing for the government purposes, knowing all the secrets of what is going on behind the scenes of the corrupt political world. There was a guy who tried to help me, because he was stuck in the system where the price for the ‘job’ was the total control over your life, including the microchip implants and all that current sci-fi stuff. Apparently I was spied onto via this blog, and he asked ‘don’t you want to have the job just like your dad, where you are responsible for lives of people?’ and ‘ you will not want to read people’s minds anymore, because what you’ll write is what will be on their mind’. He tried to convince me that they care about their employees and nobody will get hurt if it’s unnecessary, but shortly we figured that the old guy with grey hair who saw me escaping through his cubicle and onto the fire-escape stairs wasn’t there anymore, sadly enough happened to be my partner’s father. Then he told me not to trust anyone – isn’t what they always say in the movies, and I feared my own father to be a part of this. And the guy happened to be Finnish actually. I did not see the end because my alarm rang as early as 6AM, but I did wake up with a strange feeling that I cannot trust anyone and that I cannot take any advice from people because it may be an ill one. Insane stuff!But getting back to some useless facts about today… I got a lovely package in mail with a pair of enamel orb earrings, holding it with the strongest grip I could possibly have and running to the bus – I love them in those pastel shades.

May I also reveal the truth of having a pair of loafers on my feet – the kind of shoe that could previously be a self-sufficient nightmare scenario, but somehow tastes change.

And the final novelty in my possession is a striped sweatshirt from COS – I am currently on the stripes train, which goes as far as making illustrations with striped suits and layouting all the texts with underline and highlighter.


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